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17 Nov

8th Consortium Meeting


30th November 2020, 13:00h -14:35h (CET)

The conference will run on a Zoom platform.

13:00h – 13:05h (CET): Welcome (NOVA)

13:05h – 13:20h (CET): Discuss the developments of the common case of urban transport (All partners)

13:20h – 13:35h (CET): Discuss the developments of the common case of food delivery (All partners)

13:35h – 13:50h (CET): Discuss the developments of the common case of Freelancer platforms (All partners)

13:50h – 14:05h (CET): Present the developments of 1 country-specific case of Germany and Spain: Healthcare (ITAS and NOTUS)

14:05h – 13:20h (CET): Present the developments of 2 country-specific cases of Hungary and Portugal: KlickForWork, Oszkar, Call-Centers@Home, Airbnb, respectively) (CSS/MTA TK and NOVA)

14:20h – 14:35h (CET): Budapest – Discuss the agenda and the format of the meeting (All partners)

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