Tag: digital labour platforms

09 Jul

Work in digital platforms: Literature review and exploratory interviews in Portugal

The report is also available at the IDEAS/RePEc repository: https://ideas.repec.org/p/pra/mprapa/108571.html Boavida, Nuno & Moniz, António, 2019. “Work in digital platforms: Literature review and exploratory interviews in Portugal,” MPRA Paper...

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01 Jul

Makó, Illéssy & Nosratabadi paper in the “European Journal of Workplace Innovation”

New article published by our colleagues Csaba Makó, Miklós Illéssy and Saeed Nosratabadi of MTA TK. Its title is Emerging Platform Work in Europe: Hungary in Cross-country Comparison, and...

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08 Jan

The platform economy and social law: an ETUI working paper

The platform economy and social law : Key issues in comparative perspective is a new working paper edited by Isabelle Daugareilh, Christophe Degryse and Philippe Pochet from the European...

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12 Nov

2nd CrowdWork International Conference, Barcelona (2019)

Agenda 09:00-­09:10 Opening session & Welcome Director of NOTUS 09:10-­09:40 Presentation of NOTUS report 09:40-­09:50 Discussion 09:50-10:20 Presentation of ITAS/KIT report 10:20-­10:30 Discussion 10:30-­11:00  Coffee break 11:00-­11:30 Presentation of...

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